
Woman being draped during a Color Savvy Studio True Colour International personal color analysis appointment

Personal Color Analysis

Uncover the palette that will empower you to enhance your unique beauty and represent your true self.

  • 1 Person – $375 (Approx. 1.5-2hrs)

  • 2+ Persons – $325 Per Person (Approx. 3.25 hours for 2 people)

    *Please note - group appointments offer the exact same content as an individual appointment, but we are able to cover the educational portions as a group, thus the shorter duration. Each client has the same time allotted for their individual draping regardless of appointment type booked.

Analysis Includes

  • Comprehensive Personal Color Analysis session using calibrated professional True Colour InternationaI Color Drapes

  • Explanation of general color theory, history of color analysis and the TCI Color Analysis Methodology

  • Identification of your personal color tone

  • Guidance on how to use the colors in your personal color palette in makeup, fashion and accessories

  • Portrait photo in your favorite drape from your season

  • An archival-quality canvas swatch book with your 65+ perfect colors - the largest and most accurate personal color tool in the world ($110 value from True Colour International)

  • Hair color swatching if desired, with advice on the correct shades for you

  • Color swatching for up to five items of your choice. Please bring jewelry, makeup, or garments you’d like to swatch. We’ll practice how to see harmony or dis-harmony using your new swatch book

  • Lesson on swatching prints and patterns and identifying aspects of prints that work with your palette and those to avoid

  • Follow up e-mail with digital swatches, written explanation of your season, guide to using your swatchbook with ease and a plethora of resources to explore in your personal color tone

Youth Analysis (12 and under) also available upon request (~75 minutes) $190, with an option to purchase canvas swatchbook ($110). Includes follow up email with digital swatchbook

Person sorting editing clothing in closet


Need help applying your new palette to your closet or choosing some new pieces at the shops? Color Savvy has you covered!

  • 2 hour minimum – $100 per hour


You’ve had your color analysis, now what? Need help applying your new palette to your closet? We will go through each piece in your closet - from dresses, tops, jeans and pants to coats, jewelry, handbags and shoes. Together we will determine whether or not a piece should continue to be part of your wardrobe or if it is time make room for something fresh.

  • Together we’ll consider the following:

  • Is it in your seasonal tone?

  • Does it work with your style?

  • Does it fit well? Can it be altered?

  • Do you feel confident when you wear it?

  • We will then discuss mixing and matching pieces to create head to toe outfits, including accessories and shoes.

  • If you have pieces you still love that don’t quite match your seasonal palette, we will discuss how best to fit that piece into an outfit to create the most harmonious look.

  • Together we’ll identify any gaps in your wardrobe. We will create a list of staple pieces to be added to your closet over time to create a wardrobe that is fun, functional and totally you!

Personal Shopping

Need help shopping with your personal color palette? Let’s shop together to find some great pieces to add to your wardrobe that incorporate your personal colors. I will bring a second swatchbook so we both can be swatching things as we shop.

woman traveling through airport with pink suitcase

Color Savvy Travels ON LOCATION

Interested in hosting a small group on your turf? While an appointment at the Color Savvy Studio is best, as there are many resources in studio that I am not able to bring on the road with me, there may be special circumstances that clients may desire me to travel to them. Please note, the draping process takes about an hour per person. The TCI method of color analysis is not conducive to a large party as color analysis was in the 80’s. Plan on a four hour appointment for a group of 3, and a five hour appointment for a group of 4.

The Details

Comprehensive Personal Color Analysis session for each person in your party. Each person will receive a personal color analysis including custom swatchbook, makeup tips, portrait photo, hair color information if desired, follow up email, and practice finding harmony/disharmony with up to 5 items brought in by each client

Travel Appointment Rates

Within 1 hour from Denver: 3+ clients booked @ rate of $400 per person plus any additional costs incurred due to location (i.e. hotel parking fee)

1 to 3 hours from Denver: 4+ clients booked starting @ $450/client (rate based on location/travel requirements) plus any additional costs incurred due to travel location (i.e hotel parking fee, etc)

3+ hours from Denver: 8+ clients, starting at $450/client (rate based on location/travel requirements)

*Groups of 5 or more clients may need to be spread out over a two day period unless I am able to enlist the help of another analyst

If you or your group does not meet the minimum number of clients needed to book, please reach out to me to start a waitlist for your area!

Give a gift that lasts a lifetime! gift certificates available

Your personal color palette doesn’t change with age. Gifting a Personal Color Analysis with Color Savvy Studio is the proverbial “gift that keeps on giving!”

Color Savvy Studio Personal Color Analysis Gift Certificate

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Color Savvy Studio Personal Color Analysis Back Side of Gift Certificate

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